Monday 1 April 2019

I, Illuminatus: Mea Culpa, I Rule the World

This series of blog posts will be based upon a singular conceit; that I rule the world.

Mea Culpa

Everything has been done by my will, I want to share the motivation for the changes that I have inflicted on society.

The sales pitch with which you are sold the changes, is of course usually the exact opposite of the actual effect that these changes have made.

Science is a Religion

The scientific method would have every individual question everything and yet "science" functions in wider society exactly as a religion; adherents believe self confessed "theories" (a theory by definition remains unproven and therefore is a belief).

When watching a Richard Dawkins lecture, I cannot help but see it a good old fashioned revival down by the creek - you can even see the young people stand up at the end and profess their faith during the question and answer session. Ok they may not fall down on the ground writhing as the demons are exorcised, but the phrase "we know that x or y theory" is used, when the people saying it clearly have done nothing other than accept verbatim what they have been told. They quite plainly DO NOT KNOW.

Science Says So, You Had Better Not Question.

How many adverts have you seen which include some statement of scientific findings? It is even more ridiculous that people accept claims of scientific evidence in paid advertising because it does not take a great leap to imagine that whatever the results of the experiment they are going to be presented in the most favourable way possible whilst staying just inside or maybe even just outside the advertising rules in the expectation that they can get away with that because no one will notice.

You know scientists are paid and those paying usually are looking for "evidence" to support a particular conclusion (the basis of tax deductions for "research" was changed in the 1980s and ever since all research must be directed towards a specific purpose and cannot just be for the purpose of discovery of new knowledge.

Who knows how much "research" is never reported because it does not fit the particular aims of those paying and of course if you want further "research grants" then...

If I were a member of the Illuminati I would assure you that this has been a work which has been going on for decades....

You know usually it is the minority who are correct (because they are the ones with all the resources available to them to actually define this reality) and the majority which are incorrect, sheep all end up in the slaughterhouse because they are dumb enough to place their trust in something which does not even exist, "government".

Still it is nice that lots of young, dumb, easily manipulated children devote their lives to completely pointless causes... otherwise they may work actually work out that they are slaves and then there might be a rebellion. 

Fortunately people are stupid or how would we be able to control them and make them do our bidding?

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