Sunday 31 March 2019

Hidden (latin: Occult) Knowledge 1: I am a Magician, or have I become insane?

Hermetic Magic holds that what you believe, is .

For some time now I have felt separated from you. I have withdrawn from the world to spend my forty months in isolated contemplation, I have been tempted with material things but have eschewed them for a deeper more profound understanding of the immaterial.

The truth was within easy reach and in all honesty was something I have always known, it simply required that I accept that knowledge, cease making my self, through fear and doubt, an obstacle to everything that was always intended for me.

I selected this as the image for myself for a few months before I left Facebook. The decision to walk away from Facebook was necessitated by the same discomfort I feel in many being's company. I find your lack of understanding, your lack of wisdom, your ignorance to be physically uncomfortable. I find your suffering, unnecessary though it may be, to cause me to feel pain. You are harming yourselves, you do not even realise it, but there is little I can do to stop you.

It is all Magic; Social Media, Hollywood, Organised Religion, Politics, Law - and not a particularly pleasant form of Magic, being evinced in its intention to hold you in the material realm to harnass your God given powers of creation to uses of which you are ignorant and which are contrary to your best interests.

There are as many discourses on magic (magic simply meaning wisdom) as there are ancient cultures but there is a striking similarity that runs between them all. Even if the stage dressing may vary, the stage remains the same.

There are two worlds, the material and the immaterial. You the being are immaterial, your body is the material which you inhabit. They are not one and the same. In a later blog we will go into further depth on these subjects but for now, I will prove to you that Magic is Real.

Am I Insane?

There have been many Magi in my life, but the first person who I had contact with who declared himself to be a Magician was Alan Moore; you may not recognise his name but you will recognise his magic at work. In the 1980's he wrote a 12 issue series of comic books called V for Vendetta. At the age of 40 he declared himself to be a magician, some decades later in March 2019, one can only imagine how he felt to have scenes from the comic book manifested into real life in the million mask march.

Now I may never have performed acts of magic on such a grand scale, but in my mind the conception of an idea inevitably precedes the manifestation of that idea. I have become quite adept and turning my comparatively limited perceptions into reality. In the space of ten years I went from sleeping in a homeless shelter to being a millionaire... (albeit helped by the government in decreasing the actual value of a million pounds). But I actually did nothing, I simply stopped being an obstacle, stopped fearing, stopped doubting, stopped asking, "why me"? I allowed the will of God to manifest into my life. It is really very simple when you think about it. God is love so why would He not want me to enjoy everything He possibly could?

In a future post we will break down the steps involved in working Magic.

From Comic Book into the Material Realm, the Magic of Alan Moore, Manifested in the Material Realm

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