Thursday 25 April 2019

Making Magic 1: The First Manifestation

The results of my first experiment have exceeded my expectations; essentially, I simply asked to experience being selfish. I wrote down three aspects of being selfish and asked to experience each of them.

The results did not take too long to manifest themselves in my existence... (at step 8 along the path as at that point I decided that this was not for me and thus it did not cross over from the real world of conception to to the unreal reality of the material world).

What is most surprising is that the idea was not borne of some desire for scientific examination but with an intent of its own (as a lesson for an other) and yet all a natural consequence within a greater manifestation of my previously stated purpose; i.e. to be a magician, the whole matter can be considered to be borne of that desire - that desire not being as clearly and cleanly delineated when the intention was cast.

So the next logical step would be to repeat the experiment and see if the results can be repeated.

So let's cast the spell using the 11 Steps; I have been doing this so long now that these steps are almost automatic, but for our purposes here let's go slowly through them.

This is one of those posts which when I read back in a year or two's time is going to show my own progress; but it is a working theory for now.

In order to truly "understand" something one must stand under it and look up; what exactly is underpinning the building you see before you, well the foundations of course, that which cannot be seen from above.


Step 0: I Protect (Executioner) - a step in which I decide that which needs to be protected and defended from the magic that we are working. Where basically everything is on hold until a new direction is found.


Recently we examined some of the conceptions/ thought processes which had guided the construction of the Pyramids of Giza; this is essentially no different, this is the unseen parts and processes which are part of any actual manifestation. That there are 12 steps, corresponding with the 12 signs of the zodiac, the 12 disciples and the 12 steps of the pyramid beneath the all-seeing eye of God is of course no coincidence. This is ancient knowledge, and not particularly esoteric (hidden) knowledge, if one chooses to look for it, then it is readily apparent from any number of sources.

Step 1: I Love (King) -

Step 2: I Feel (Baby) - Instinct, sub-conscious desires - How do I want to feel?

Step 3: I Believe (Scribe) -

Step 4: I Belong (Instigator) -

Step 5: I Think (Court Jester) -

Step 6: I Receive (Judge) - The initial summation

The Universe Intercedes

Step 7: I Sense (Oracle) - The body lies inside the soul and this is the knowledge of the supra-corporeal spirit/soul - this is the step in which magic occurs.


Step 8: I Decide (Director) - The act of turning the conception into reality

Step 9: I Act/I Am (Hero) - The physical act of sending you intention out to the universe, say by writing a blog post...

Step 10: I Manifest (Producer) -

Finished Product

Step 11: I Become -

So in essence I have moved through to Step 7, at which point the universe provided certain lessons to show me the error in my thinking and I decided to go back to the beginning of the process of conception and come up with a better plan with the new additional knowledge and understanding that the universe has granted me through the experiences which resulted from my initial pass through the foundation steps.

Sunday 21 April 2019

Hidden (Occult) Knowledge 2: The Great Pyramid of Giza

If we examine the basis of the pentagram, the four material points and the immaterial placed at the top of the Pentagram as representation of life.

If one were to attempt to make a two dimensional representation of the pyramid than the pentagram is a fairly good representation of the mystical underpinnings.

Similarly a Pyramid has four points based on the ground and climbs into the sky, again a representation of our spiritual life.

However closer examination of the structure of the pyramid reveals one or two further points of interest.

If the Pyramid is dissected into two equal parts then all the internal space of the pyramid is found within one half.

Doors leading to nowhere are placed against the imaginary dissecting line.

The Egyptians are the source of the idea of an after-life; the Nile to them was the dividing line between life and death.

It has been suggested by a Japanese professor (who only lectures in Japanese) that the other half of the pyramid is deliberately left blank with the doors to nowhere, because those doors lead to the other half of the pyramid's inner space, which exists only in the spiritual realm.

Thursday 18 April 2019

Brainwashing and Social Control 3: Pseudo-Science exists and they teach it in your schools.

Two members of the Scientific Priesthood
That science is a religion is pretty much indisputable. Science literally means "knowledge".

That people seem to claim that there can be a difference between Science and Pseudo-Science is something of a mystery to me; how can there be pseudo-knowledge? So I went to Wikipedia in order to understand why this arbitrary difference is... the article on pseudo-science was not particularly interesting, but the talk page where the argument as to what should be included in the article is very revealing.
Wikipedia carries the policy of Scientific focus: Wikipedia is an encyclopedia and its content on scientific and quasi-scientific topics will primarily reflect "current mainstream scientific consensus".
How can there be a "mainstream consensus" about knowledge, there can only be a "mainstream consensus" about a working theory. A theory is not knowledge. The question has not yet been answered.

What Wikipedia says about pseudo-science is:
Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that are claimed to be both scientific and factual, but are incompatible with the scientific method.
"Pseudoscience is often characterized by contradictory, exaggerated or unfalsifiable claims; reliance on confirmation bias rather than rigorous attempts at refutation; lack of openness to evaluation by other experts; and absence of systematic practices when developing theories, and continued adherence long after they have been experimentally discredited. The term pseudoscience is considered pejorative because it suggests something is being presented as science inaccurately or even deceptively. Those described as practicing or advocating pseudoscience often dispute the characterization."
But this is exactly what happens in mainstream science; long after theories have been demonstrated to not properly explain phenomenon they are held as "fact" by the scientific establishment at least in terms of educating the next generation; evolution, gravity, etc. All these theories have been demonstrated to be incorrect in their current form... and yet to a school child they are fact.

The ultimate truth is that you cannot accept anyone words for anything; the scientific method dictates that you should discover everything for yourself through experiment.

Monday 15 April 2019

I, Illuminatus: "The Enabling State"

As you may be aware in this series we work on the basis of the pretence that I am the King of the World and why I have caused certain social phenomena to have occured.

Recently we examined how the Enabling State created an underclass of "needy people" in order to provide meaningful work for people who would otherwise be employed in Bullshit Jobs, which provide no benefit to humanity as a whole.

An ever increasing number of "victims" seem to be proliferating; indeed "The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars" a book which like the "Bullshit Jobs" book referred to in that article, began as a scholarly work entitled Microaggression and Moral Cultures published in the journal Comparative Sociology in 2014.

Campbell and Manning argue that accusations of "microaggression slights" focus on unintentional slights, unlike civil rights, which focused on concrete injustices. They argue that the purpose of calling attention to microaggressions is less to elevate the status of offended victim. "When the victims publicize microaggressions,” wrote Campbell and Manning “they call attention to what they see as the deviant behavior of the offenders. In doing so,” they “also call attention to their own victimization.” They do this because it lowers “the offender’s moral status” and “raises the moral status of the victims.”

There simply are too many people in the herd, but since my success is measured in head of cattle it is important to keep them all from going mad.

By encouraging, by enabling, people to self-identify as victims I therefore allow other people to be "do-gooders", to find some meaning in their valueless existence as members of the herd.

Saturday 13 April 2019

Solve et Coagulum: "The Enabling State"

On my most recent excursion to London, I was browsing the book store for something to read and I picked up this book. In surveys 37% of people considered that their job provided no benefit to humanity whatsoever.

Clearly the number of people whose work is of no value is a lot higher than this, but it was surprising to note that 37% of people were not only aware of this but actually continued to carry out the pointless exercise solely for material gain.

The more interesting observation was the social stratification which is prevalent in the modern world which can be basically summarised as:

"The Underclass": People who live solely on benefits

"Those who provide genuine services": Chefs, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Poets, Musicians etc.

"Those with Bullshit Jobs": Lawyers, Accountants, Analysts

"The 1%": Those who benefit from the system as it is.

Fundamentally, the Underclass perform a very much under-rated role in our society; without "the needy" no one would have the opportunity to do good. They may be castigated and criticised but our entire society depends upon their existence and their numbers have swelled in response to the demand for their services.

The concept of "the Enabling State" underpinned much of the development of the Welfare state from 1906 (motivated by the shocking performance of the British troops in the Boer War) through 1945 and to the modern day.

"Enabling" though, at least in terms of dealing with alcoholism, is defined as doing things for an alcoholic that they normally could and would do for themselves if they were sober. In contrast, helping is doing something that the alcoholic could not or would not do for themselves if sober. Helping does not protect an alcoholic from the consequences of his or her actions.
Anything that you do that does protect the alcoholic or addict from the consequences of his or her actions, could be enabling him to delay a decision to get help for their problem. Therefore, it's in the best interest of the alcoholic, in the long run, if you stop whatever you are doing to enable them. 
Enabling is not helping.
The decline of humanity has gone hand in hand with the expansion of the state. They are not simply "bullshit jobs"; there are jobs which actually work to the detriment of humanity.

Saturday 6 April 2019

Solve et Coagulum: "The Magic of Donald J Trump"

 Master Magician
 Donald J Trump
Yesterday, we discussed the nature of evil. Amongst the list of evil institutions there was only one individual; Hillary Clinton.

Given that almost anyone should be able to defeat the most evil person in existence in a political campaign (hell, even a Black Man did it). It should be no surprise to anyone that the Republicans won the last US election.

But of all the possible opponents it was the magic of Donald J Trump which won through which is of course simply because he understands the nature of modern society better than anyone else. Combined with the complete lack of understanding on the part of those who would rule us.

Human beings are getting stupider. They have long since given up believing in Politics as an effective means of redress, but as long as it gives them their daily bread, the only other thing they need is entertainment.

They have no attention span, they cannot comprehend complex arguments, they question nothing... and yet everyone appears to be feeling that something is wrong.

It has been noted that over the course of "the Simpsons"; the intellect of the character of Homer has gradually been diminished - an action which has proven to be popular with the viewers. Similar observations have been made about Donald J Trump. Now it would be possible to observe this as either a cause for concern or a mark of genius.

It does not matter what Trump actually says, because each observer then processes that statement and reaches their own interpretation. Thus by making the statements simpler it is possible for others to infer an ever more diverse interpretation of what is said. For Republicans it is interpreted positively and for democrats it is interpreted negatively... when no one is listening anyway, why bother to talk coherently?

The base genius was simply to get so much television exposure in order to stand out from the field. The best way to do this is to say something controversial.

So Don is laughing along, giving the people what they want, a clown, an effigy to hate or a shitty stick with which to beat the pretentious idiots who think they are in charge...

What he is not doing is struggling to find any reason to excuse her embarassment that not even the highly organised rigging of the election could deliver her victory. The most obvious explanation for Hillary's defeat - that she is totally self-serving, as all socialists are - clearly cannot lodge itself into her brain because whatever else she is, she is not a liar. Her delusion, her psychosis, her detachment from reality is that complete.... exactly the same as with most socialists, especially the youthful who are fresh out of the brainwashing program.

Friday 5 April 2019

Money is Social Control 2: Money is the root of all evil

What is "Evil"?

The moment that life exits the body the process of decomposition begins, the bacteria which each of us carries around every day begins to break down the body into its component parts.

The being, spirit, animus, whatever you like to call it therefore may be considered that which delays and defers this process during our lifetimes.

The Pentagram is symbolic of the individual; the material components of the body and atop it all the immaterial, the spirit.

Man’s spiritual journey through evolution. Culminating in the spirit returning its source in the immaterial.

The pentagram may be inverted with one point down. Conversely this represents the spirit trapped beneath the material desires of the material realm.

Evil, most simply, is the word Live reversed, it is the failure to Live.

It denotes an action which concerns itself with a purpose other than the spirit's journey to return to its divine source.

So within our definition of Evil, certain organisations which exist in the material realm, which concern themselves solely with material concerns - for example Multi-National Corporations, Large Governments, Hillary Clinton - organisations whose success or failure is based exclusively on the pursuit of money, are the very definition of evil. The larger an organisation the more evil it becomes, as it becomes more distant from any spiritual concerns and more focused on simply the acquisition of money.

What is "Money"?

Money is now a bit of electronic data that someone else records, before it was a paper promise, and originally it was gold and silver. All the money has been taken from most individuals and replaced with paper and now even the paper is  being taken from people. Individuals soon will have no control over the means of exchange and at that point total enslavement will have been completed. But that's for next week...

Thursday 4 April 2019

Brainwashing and Social Control 2: Prejudice is an Inevitable Function of Wisdom Which Even Artificial Intelligence Demonstrates

Last week we examined why young people are dumb, concluding that it was simply a lack of experience which necessitated a greater degree of effort for young people to understand what older, wiser heads would grasp quickly.

This week we will look at the converse problem, that experience leads to prejudice in the process of discrimination.

What is Discrimination?

Discrimination is simply the process of making a choice. We all discriminate many times each day, which socks to wear, what to have for breakfast, in these and in many more situations we make our choice.

What is Prejudice?

Prejudice is the factors based on personal experience and observation of others which will lead in individual to quickly conclude that one option or other is preferable.

If yesterday I ate Shreddies for breakfast yesterday then I have the experience of having eaten them and depending on that experience I may decide to repeat it again today or I may choose to have a different breakfast.

My prejudice might be that I enjoyed the experience of eating Shreddies and I am open to that choice in the future or it may be that I did not enjoy the experience of eating Shreddies and it is not an experience I will repeat.

What I cannot do is act without prejudice because there is simply no way to unlearn the lessons from my previous experience.

So Prejudice is simply a function of experience. Indeed learning from previous experience is extolled as a virtue in most cases "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

It seems that even artificial intelligence can grasp this basic concept.

Twitter AI Prejudice

Twitter's account banning, which the company says was a bug, was "unfairly" filtering 600,000

accounts, including some members of Congress in search auto-complete and results. CEO Jack Dorsey confirmed the figure during his opening statement to the House Energy and Commerce Committee in September last year.

AI of course does not have any concept of "fair" or "unfair", it is simply programmed to achieve a specified goal.

Dorsey explained that the shadow banning occurred due to algorithms that take into account how the people following those filtered accounts behave on the platform.

Ultimately, Twitter determined that wasn't a fair way to assess accounts, and changed course. "We'll always improve our technology and algorithms to drive healthier usage, and measure the impartiality of outcomes," he said.

AIs develop Prejudice without Human Interaction

Further research by computer science and psychology experts from Cardiff University and MIT have shown that groups of autonomous machines could demonstrate prejudice by simply identifying, copying and learning this behaviour from one another.

Whilst you are told that prejudice is a human-specific phenomenon that requires human cognition to form an opinion of, or to stereotype, a certain person or group, some types of computer algorithms have already exhibited prejudice, such as racism and sexism, based on learning from public records and other data generated by humans, and further than that, this new work demonstrates AI evolving prejudicial groups on their own.

The findings, which have been published in the journal Scientific Reports, are based on computer simulations of how similarly prejudiced individuals, or virtual agents, can form a group and interact with each other.

In a game of give and take, each AI makes a decision as to whether they donate to somebody inside of their own group or in a different group, based on an individual’s reputation as well as their own donating strategy, which includes their levels of prejudice towards outsiders.
As the game unfolds and a supercomputer racks up thousands of simulations, each AI begins to learn new strategies by copying others either within their own group or the entire population.
Co-author of the study Professor Roger Whitaker, from Cardiff University’s Crime and Security Research Institute and the School of Computer Science and Informatics, said: “By running these simulations thousands and thousands of times over, we begin to get an understanding of how prejudice evolves and the conditions that promote or impede it.
The findings involve individuals updating their prejudice levels by preferentially copying those that gain a higher short term payoff, meaning that these decisions do not necessarily require advanced cognitive abilities.

Science loves to point out the obvious

So in this simulation we have a large number of individuals AIs all acting in their own best interest (exactly like human society) and they not only learn from their own personal experience but from observing the behaviour and results of the decisions of the other AIs.

The problem for the AI, exactly as it is for human society is that too many people act with regard only to the short term consequences of the decision, one can only presume because the AIs like many human beings are not capable of accurately forecasting the long term consequences of their behaviour.


A further interesting finding from the study was that under particular conditions, which include more distinct sub-populations being present within a population, it was more difficult for prejudice to take hold.
“With a greater number of sub-populations, alliances of non-prejudicial groups can cooperate without being exploited. This also diminishes their status as a minority, reducing the susceptibility to prejudice taking hold. However, this also requires circumstances where agents have a higher disposition towards interacting outside of their group,” Professor Whitaker concluded.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Society is a Mass Psychosis 1: What is Psychosis

Psychosis is a condition of the mind that results in difficulties determining what is real
and what is not. 

Symptoms may include false beliefs and seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear.

Other symptoms may include incoherent speech and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation. There may also be sleep problems, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, and difficulties carrying out daily activities.

Social Psychosis is a term defined to describe "Like the frog in the pot of water who doesn't notice the slowly rising temperature and is eventually boiled alive", "Society is living through growing, massive delusions about the [new world] realities -- and what's needed to deal with them effectively. This is highly dangerous for society and our personal lives".

Of course the author of the above article is themselves a victim of social psychosis, the one which believes there is such a thing as a new world reality.

The mass delusion which is the modern world is the only social psychosis there is.

In this series of articles we shall look at these psychoses and attempt to cure you of them.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Astro-Theology 1: How good is your English really?

Yesterday we looked at the difference between science the religion and the scientific method; which
requires one to demonstrate for one's self the veracity of any postulation another might provide.

Today, we will look at the importance of understanding the true meaning of whatever communications are received. Language is a powerful tool (which human beings alone possess and which overnight around 50,000 years ago was in existence without any pre-cursor and without any other species ever showing the remotest sign of developing).

The reason you do not clearly understand the message you are being told, because you are told exactly what is happening in very clear terms, is that you simply do not speak the language - you are stupid, probably because you were only educated to the level which the State wants you to be... and you are too lazy to make any effort to improve your education.

Though they are speaking English, they may as well be speaking Latin for all you understand. To truly understand you need to know all the possible meanings of every word and the meaning of the words they are derived from.


The word "Religion", in Middle Ages English, meant to live under monastic orders, the word derives from religio and before that the Latin, Religare which means "to bind". (See the Catholic dictionary).

In these terms an individual taking monastic orders is binding themselves to a particular way of life; monasticism itself originates in Egyptian (Coptic) Christianity and was founded initially by individuals who chose to be hermetic and the people, who for some reason, followed them into their seclusion.

The importance of language, can nowhere be better understood than by examining the differences between Chinese Catholics and Chinese Protestants. The translation upon which these two forms of Christianity is an entirely different book where entirely different terms are used even for such common terms as "God", "Heaven", as a result there is a wide division between these two religions whilst the actual differences in Europe are minimal and largely societal.

Jesus, of Nazareth?

Was there a place called Nazareth in the 1st Century AD? Whilst there is today, there was not then. There was a sect called the Nazarites; which is the origin of not cutting one's hair to retain your power. Thus Samson in the Hebrew Bible and even today the practices of Sikhism and Rastafarianism are reflective of this practice.

Any linguistic scholar, however, will tell you though "n" and "m" are fairly interchangeable at the start of words over time in all languages; so more likely it is Jesus the Mazzaroth. (Mazzaroth being the Hebrew word for the zodiac).

Jesus the Sun (German: Sonne (i.e. Son)) of God, dies and rises again... (yep each and every morning).

English remains one of the few languages which has two separate terms for Sky and Heaven - Sky being a Norse word and Heaven being Anglo-Saxon, two words, which originally had the exact same meaning. The fact that English has differentiated a meaning allows for greater confusion in the masses.

Astrology underlies our culture

Astrology lies at the heart of all religions and in much of what you have encountered, you probably have not looked for it and so you cannot see it; whether it be Jesus the Mazzaroth and his 12
Disciples or King Arthur and the 12 Knights of the Round Table, or even the all seeing eye above the 12 steps of the pyramid on the dollar bill the symbology is closely woven into the very fabric of our culture and society and has been for millennia.

Christianity itself has somewhat of a paradox in that whilst claiming that Astrology has no actual basis, proclaims that 3 Magi used astrology to be able to predict the birth of the Messiah. Those two statements are mutually exclusive. Further the Hebrew Bible and the Greek Testaments both state that there will be signs in the heavens.

One must wonder why it is that the most powerful telescope in the world is owned by, and its operations funded by, Vatican City.

My own interpretation would be that an organisation which singularly extols that an individual requires the intervention of one of its own scientists (or priests) must therefore not extol that anyone can work out the will of God simply by studying the movement of the planets.

This is after all an organisation which for centuries operated in a language that was only spoken by a minority - after all if you are trying to look after a society then not letting the idiots have a say makes the task that much easier... and if they don't understand what you are talking about then all the better still.

So much effort in the modern world is to confuse and obfuscate the underlying intentions of changes which are implemented not only from the masses, but even from the people who are notionally making the change (politicians and lawyers).

Monday 1 April 2019

I, Illuminatus: Mea Culpa, I Rule the World

This series of blog posts will be based upon a singular conceit; that I rule the world.

Mea Culpa

Everything has been done by my will, I want to share the motivation for the changes that I have inflicted on society.

The sales pitch with which you are sold the changes, is of course usually the exact opposite of the actual effect that these changes have made.

Science is a Religion

The scientific method would have every individual question everything and yet "science" functions in wider society exactly as a religion; adherents believe self confessed "theories" (a theory by definition remains unproven and therefore is a belief).

When watching a Richard Dawkins lecture, I cannot help but see it a good old fashioned revival down by the creek - you can even see the young people stand up at the end and profess their faith during the question and answer session. Ok they may not fall down on the ground writhing as the demons are exorcised, but the phrase "we know that x or y theory" is used, when the people saying it clearly have done nothing other than accept verbatim what they have been told. They quite plainly DO NOT KNOW.

Science Says So, You Had Better Not Question.

How many adverts have you seen which include some statement of scientific findings? It is even more ridiculous that people accept claims of scientific evidence in paid advertising because it does not take a great leap to imagine that whatever the results of the experiment they are going to be presented in the most favourable way possible whilst staying just inside or maybe even just outside the advertising rules in the expectation that they can get away with that because no one will notice.

You know scientists are paid and those paying usually are looking for "evidence" to support a particular conclusion (the basis of tax deductions for "research" was changed in the 1980s and ever since all research must be directed towards a specific purpose and cannot just be for the purpose of discovery of new knowledge.

Who knows how much "research" is never reported because it does not fit the particular aims of those paying and of course if you want further "research grants" then...

If I were a member of the Illuminati I would assure you that this has been a work which has been going on for decades....

You know usually it is the minority who are correct (because they are the ones with all the resources available to them to actually define this reality) and the majority which are incorrect, sheep all end up in the slaughterhouse because they are dumb enough to place their trust in something which does not even exist, "government".

Still it is nice that lots of young, dumb, easily manipulated children devote their lives to completely pointless causes... otherwise they may work actually work out that they are slaves and then there might be a rebellion. 

Fortunately people are stupid or how would we be able to control them and make them do our bidding?