Monday 22 July 2019

Glass: A modern fairy story

I particularly loved this film because it is analogous to exactly how society works. The three main characters have been bought together from two other films (Unbreakable and Split) which I had to re-watch to make sense of this, not that that was a particular hardship.

Each had unique and extraordinary abilities which set them apart from the rest of humanity, their individuality causes them to become the target of a secret society which is seeking to keep the knowledge that people with extraordinary abilities exist a secret.

The society employs two main approaches; firstly to brainwash them into complying with the rest of humanity, persuading them that their abilities are just delusions of their own mind and when that fails - killing them.

The reality of our existence is that each of us has unique and extraordinary abilities which for the most part go untapped because of social programming through education and social pressures to conform.

The reason that most people are not aware of this is simply that they do not exist at a level of consciousness which allows them to understand and tap into the powers of creation - we were after all created to exist in the image of God, the Creator, and in turn to be creators ourselves. Yet too often this power to create is passed to some other; the government, a church, a cause. By absolving ourselves of personal responsibility we miss the opportunity to create.

No one will look after you, so why do you expect someone to? You do not deserve "free" anything because nothing except that which is given to you by your creator is ever free, what you are actually saying is that someone else should pay.

To truly recognise "value" one should ultimately understand that only that which cannot be taken from you has any value and those are the gifts from your creator.

You may use those gifts or not as you prefer. You may choose to conform to systems which are designed to hold you down, to make you into an automaton with no individual will or you may choose to find your own path.

Existing at higher levels of consciousness is not necessarily easy; you will be confronted with jealousy and fear. Your very existence is a threat to the status quo and those vested in it will seek to destroy you - at least they don't literally crucify you these days.

But that in itself becomes part of your existence, you act as an example which others who might seek to attain higher states of consciousness might emulate.

And that in the end was the Mastermind Mr Glass' secret plan - simply to show people what was possible, to re-define the boundaries of what it is to be human.

Sunday 21 July 2019

Authority and the Exercise or Misuse of Power

It is often said that one only has power until one tries to use it, well I had the opportunity to demonstrate this to the Chef de Police of St Peter, Centenier Joao Camara.

He is a small man both in stature and in his own opinion of himself, I do not know what pain he has experienced in his life, but it has become clear that his motivations to hold the office of Centenier are not those which I would wish to support.

Our society has been built over centuries, the law is a suit of armour which when properly worn protects the individual from people like Centenier Camara who would exercise authority for their own personal satisfaction and self-aggrandisement.

He made a simple error but when I pointed this out to him, rather than apologise so we could both forget about it, he continued on. Acting with malice he made a succession of further errors in an attempt to prove himself to me.

It is not that I am a particularly clever bastard, but I do know how to read and whilst clearly many public servants assume that what they say is law, that is not the case at all and in most cases they are actually wrong or deliberately lying to try to trick you.

Those in authority get away with this in most instances because most people are too fearful to say "this is wrong" or they have a misplaced trust that the system works or they can't be bothered to expend the energy necessary to pursue the matter.

The system does work, but only because individuals such as myself exist to keep things in check from time to time.

It is no coincidence that I was called upon to give this lesson to Centenier Camara, I am often called into soul service for other people. Sometimes I am the intercession of the universe in other people's lives. At such times I have this deep understanding that the actions I am taking are not a lesson for me, but this is what is expected of me by God for the benefit of my community.

He of course is not alone; it seems to me increasingly that those who ostensibly serve themselves are largely motivated by selfish desires either of enrichment or emotional satisfaction - which of course is not emotionally satisfying at all to anyone but a psychopath.

So how am I different? I have no interest in controlling what anyone else does or does not do, beyond how they treat me. I will not accept the authority of "an office"; I will only accept the example of a better man or a man who is better at that particular task. I am the world's foremost and only expert at being me so why would I do what you say? I may consider your advice, I may follow your example, but I will not abrogate my responsibility for the consequences of my actions as those who hide behind an office in order to cause harm do.

Saturday 20 July 2019

Magic in Motion

Once several veils to one's perception have been lifted; once you realise that the majority of humanity are mere slaves, only they are unable to recognise it. Once you see politics for the mere charade and drama that it is. Once you understand the law and realise that it is all just a game. Once you understand that all the resources of the earth are tightly controlled by a small number of families who never appear on the rich list. Once you understand that all manner of methods are employed to maintain the control of those groups, who may not all be human; you begin to tap into the fundamental forces of the universe and begin to truly discover God.

The thing is that all the information you will ever need is there staring you in the face, one simply needs to unravel the mystery by putting the pieces together. This is of course the work of a lifetime.

But once you do understand this then the inescapable conclusion that God is Love and God is the controlling force which has been helping you to do this, then you realise that you have moved so far from the majority of the rest of humanity that there are very few people you can relate to.

For some time I had been feeling withdrawn from the world, it has been 13 years through which my emotional tone has been "It is me, alone, against the world". I had been considering the option of a hermetic lifestyle; but the universe came along and said, "well if you want it, here is your opportunity", which demonstrated to me that actually, that is not what I want at all.

I had set my ambition on attaining the Level of Consciousness defined as Joy on the map of consciousness. I had no rational idea how this was going to occur, it was just a request sent out to the universe that I was ready to move on to the next lesson.

It has become clear to me that I actually exist without fear but I can see that my mere existence has now become as painful for some to observe. Fear is a powerful tool used by the controlling elite to make individuals police themselves. It comes in many forms.

It is the fear of not having enough which encourages most to enter into the form of slavery known as "employment", it is the fear of something bad happening which makes people turn to "the government" for help, how many times have you heard someone say "the government should do something about that"? It is the basest form of socialism which says - someone else should have to look after me. Of course something else is looking after you, your creator.
The truth is that should you simply trust in God then nothing will go wrong - it may not end up as you intended but you will always be led to where you are supposed to be. Once you come to realise this then you will know joy for every moment is a new gift.

You will always be given what you truly want, but if you do not properly know yourself, then you may not be aware that this is what you want.