Friday 5 April 2019

Money is Social Control 2: Money is the root of all evil

What is "Evil"?

The moment that life exits the body the process of decomposition begins, the bacteria which each of us carries around every day begins to break down the body into its component parts.

The being, spirit, animus, whatever you like to call it therefore may be considered that which delays and defers this process during our lifetimes.

The Pentagram is symbolic of the individual; the material components of the body and atop it all the immaterial, the spirit.

Man’s spiritual journey through evolution. Culminating in the spirit returning its source in the immaterial.

The pentagram may be inverted with one point down. Conversely this represents the spirit trapped beneath the material desires of the material realm.

Evil, most simply, is the word Live reversed, it is the failure to Live.

It denotes an action which concerns itself with a purpose other than the spirit's journey to return to its divine source.

So within our definition of Evil, certain organisations which exist in the material realm, which concern themselves solely with material concerns - for example Multi-National Corporations, Large Governments, Hillary Clinton - organisations whose success or failure is based exclusively on the pursuit of money, are the very definition of evil. The larger an organisation the more evil it becomes, as it becomes more distant from any spiritual concerns and more focused on simply the acquisition of money.

What is "Money"?

Money is now a bit of electronic data that someone else records, before it was a paper promise, and originally it was gold and silver. All the money has been taken from most individuals and replaced with paper and now even the paper is  being taken from people. Individuals soon will have no control over the means of exchange and at that point total enslavement will have been completed. But that's for next week...

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