Monday, 28 September 2020

Pollution of the Soul - the Dark Magics of Social Media

It appears to me that much of modern social interaction is detrimental to one's health, the programming of television programmes, news broadcasts and social media algorithms is specifically designed to lower one's level of consciousness and deprive beings of joy.
When one is connected to the divine, there is only joy, and thus those who would seek to subvert each being's conscious power of creation to its own ends must first divert the attention of each being from that will maximise the individual's happiness.
Yet all too often others present you with the opportunity to lower the level of consciousness at which the being operates.
It is the course of the development of a being to transcend from childhood to adulthood. This transcendence is not necessarily a function of age; but of maturity. A baby will find joy simply in the attention of its parents, a baby will not seek to exert its own will until the age of around two at which point it will exert a demand for its immediate desire, a teenager will consider themselves capable of acting beyond an immediate desire and demand the right to do so. An "adult" will be expected to foresee all possible consequences of its actions and act in accordance with its own best interest; which if the adult is an enlightened adult will be to maximise its own happiness.
It is possible through the life of this blog to track the progress of my own ascent to adulthood; a path which must ultimately lead to a return to oneness with the source. The battle to throw off all levers of control; first political, then judicial, then to deny the path which others would impose upon me and then most difficult of all, to oppose my own demons. The opportunities for misuse of the powers which I have always had, but of which I am now increasingly becoming aware are multiple and that in the search for enlightenment is the greatest danger. I could use these powers for the accumulation of material things, I could use these powers to manipulate those around me, I could be king of the world; but none of that will bring me joy.
2020 has been of great spiritual benefit to me; the determination of outside agencies to impose on me all manner of ludicrous ideas which do not bear up to rigorous rational analysis using the scientific method. The ability to stand alone and say to all others; I am the world's foremost and only expert on me, you are not a being of superior morality, you have no basis upon which to assert any imposition upon my freedom of thought and action; I will make all decisions regarding me and I will accept the consequences of those actions.
Of the negative levels of consciousness Anger is one of the highest, Anger is a level of consciousness which is preferable to those such as guilt and shame, but social media seems largely to operate at this level. The only way to prevent this anger whether on Hatebook or Spitter, is to shut one's self off from exposure to it.

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