Monday 22 July 2019

Glass: A modern fairy story

I particularly loved this film because it is analogous to exactly how society works. The three main characters have been bought together from two other films (Unbreakable and Split) which I had to re-watch to make sense of this, not that that was a particular hardship.

Each had unique and extraordinary abilities which set them apart from the rest of humanity, their individuality causes them to become the target of a secret society which is seeking to keep the knowledge that people with extraordinary abilities exist a secret.

The society employs two main approaches; firstly to brainwash them into complying with the rest of humanity, persuading them that their abilities are just delusions of their own mind and when that fails - killing them.

The reality of our existence is that each of us has unique and extraordinary abilities which for the most part go untapped because of social programming through education and social pressures to conform.

The reason that most people are not aware of this is simply that they do not exist at a level of consciousness which allows them to understand and tap into the powers of creation - we were after all created to exist in the image of God, the Creator, and in turn to be creators ourselves. Yet too often this power to create is passed to some other; the government, a church, a cause. By absolving ourselves of personal responsibility we miss the opportunity to create.

No one will look after you, so why do you expect someone to? You do not deserve "free" anything because nothing except that which is given to you by your creator is ever free, what you are actually saying is that someone else should pay.

To truly recognise "value" one should ultimately understand that only that which cannot be taken from you has any value and those are the gifts from your creator.

You may use those gifts or not as you prefer. You may choose to conform to systems which are designed to hold you down, to make you into an automaton with no individual will or you may choose to find your own path.

Existing at higher levels of consciousness is not necessarily easy; you will be confronted with jealousy and fear. Your very existence is a threat to the status quo and those vested in it will seek to destroy you - at least they don't literally crucify you these days.

But that in itself becomes part of your existence, you act as an example which others who might seek to attain higher states of consciousness might emulate.

And that in the end was the Mastermind Mr Glass' secret plan - simply to show people what was possible, to re-define the boundaries of what it is to be human.

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