Thursday 21 February 2013

What to do when a lawyer gives you free advice?

So yesterday morning I received some free legal advice from a member of the Law Society of Jersey following the recent publication in the Jersey Evening Post.

She like me was puzzled by the timing of the story indicating that I could face prison, firstly that it was published at all and secondly that it was published some four months after the actual event and so had been putting her grey matter to good use and trying to work out what they are up to.

Her best theory is that it has been decided that too much of the Royal Court's time is being wasted on these trivial Employment Law matters and that they have decided to make an example of someone.

Now trivial is of course a relative thing, but to the Royal Court anything under £10,000 is trivial.

I am apparently a perfect target, I am not the States, I am not a financial institution, nor a lawyer and thus seen as an easy target.

So having reviewed the evidence she suggested that the likely outcome would that I would be found guilty and sentenced to prison, to create the headlines, but that I would likely win on appeal and receive compensation, but that just like last time they did this to me the final outcome would not be reported.

Fundamentally, I still have trouble accepting that the Courts would act in such a manner, I want to believe that they play by the rules, that they are good men. But it may simply be that is truly and wholeheartedly a tyranny of oppression and unrepentantly so.

Then my desire for justice also kicks in and I resent being robbed by scurrilous lies and falsehoods. I fundamentally do not believe in allowing oneself to be threatened or intimidated especially by the government.

But there is perhaps a time when moral right must come second to the logical course of action. I mean it is not like they are asking me to gas human beings, just to render under to Caesar that which is Caesar's.

Having totted up the actual value of the false claims against me and discovering that they total just £450.50 the logic in just handing over the money to the highwayman seems the sensible course of action, but it just doesn't feel right, I'm not sure I can have it on my conscience. Not even knowing that it has already cost the taxpayer over £10,000 to steal £450 from me, is a salve.

I may simply have to have faith that God will ensure that all involved, including myself, will reap their just rewards, all I can say is may God have mercy on their souls (again).

At least I have already secured a path to the European Court of Human Rights, something which most laws make exceptionally difficult to achieve, but the Employment Law makes very easy.

What to do, what to do?


  1. All lawyers in Jersey are part of the same corrupt gang, that they have come and threatened you personally means something, but do not doubt what you were told it will likely turn out that way.

    It seems they offered you a way out?

  2. Then they don't want to take any chances.. question is do you?

  3. Why not let me video record an interview with you and your ex-employee discussing the dispute. This could be posted on your own blog so that the world will better understand the merits etc...

    1. Well you are more than welcome to ask her, but I doubt she will be willing.

  4. I would say they are just trying to see if you cave in, I'd stand up to them if I were you.

    1. He will triumph, who knows when to fight and when not to fight
